Recognizing the pressing global need to ensure future water resources and the relevant role of the Red River basin, the LSU System Board of Regents took decisive action on July 20, 2001. On that date, the Regents established the Red River Watershed Management Institute at LSU Shreveport.

The Red River Watershed Management Institute is a consortium of LSUS faculty working in partnership with local, state, and federal government agencies, environmental organizations and other stakeholders, collaborating in research, education, and community service/outreach related to watershed management. The Institute provides information critical for developing resource management strategies focusing on the natural resources and biological diversity within the Red River Watershed. 

  • LSUS in partnership with Caddo Parish has developed a long-term ground water monitoring well program to evaluate ground water resources as a sustainable source to aid in economic development. 
  • LSUS has also partnered with Bossier Parish to monitor local shallow groundwater levels to help with utility and construction efforts.
  • Also, LSUS and the City of Shreveport have signed a 20-year partnership agreement to jointly manage the Red River Education and Research Park, a 585 acre "living laboratory" adjacent to the LSUS campus and fronting directly on the Red River.

The Institute's interdisciplinary studies on the environment and ecology are conducted throughout Northwest Louisiana but our research center is the Red River Education and Research Park. The area includes the city of Shreveport's C. Bickham Dickson Park. This urban park, adjacent to the LSUS campus encompasses an oxbow lake that floods seasonally and therefore offers unparalleled opportunities for environmental studies of floodplain wetland areas. The park is one of the Red River's wetland "kidneys". The proximity of the Park to the LSUS campus, less than mile away, provides the ultimate living laboratory for education and research in a wetland.

Red River Watershed Management Institute

Dr. Mike Maguigan
Director of the RRWMI
Science Bldg, 121A

Jerome Lewis
Assistant Director of the RRWMI
Science Bldg 121C


Ready to pilot your future?

The Red River Watershed includes the Red River and all water that flows to it, including the surface water and ground water. Learn more about watersheds, the Red River, floodplains and oxbow lakes here.

The RRWMI facilitates research projects on hydrology, biological inventories, invasive species monitoring and a bat habitat project.

The RRWMI works with Northwest Louisiana schools, Sci-port and the Shreveport Aquarium to educate members of our community. We are also a proud member of the Northwest Louisiana STEM Alliance.

To have the RRWMI present information to your school or group, contact Director Dr. Mike Maguigan at mike.maguigan@testing-resource.com.