Military and Veterans

LSU Shreveport’s Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is a touchpoint for student veterans, spouses, and dependents alike. From sharing information on local and virtual events to advising on benefits, we are here to help you!

Questions? Call us - 318-798-4178 or email

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For more in-depth information on military and veteran benefits at LSUS, checkout our Military Guide Book. 

To learn more about the admissions process for military and veteran students, check out our FAQs.

For MyCAA, ArmyCA and AF COOL funding opportunities, please call Tulin Melancon at  318-797-5254 or email from the LSUS Continuing Education Office.

Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits

DON'T FORGET: The Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits MUST be completed each semester. Fill this out after you’ve registered for classes.

How To Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits 

GI Bill® Monthly Verification

Chapter 33/Post-9/11 GI Bill®

How To Verify 

Chapter 30/Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty/MGIB-AD and Chapter 1606/Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve/MGIB-SR

How To Verify

Verify Here

*If you add/drop classes after you have sent in your Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits for the semester, please contact our School Certifying Official at or 318-795-2449 to update your schedule. Failure to do this can result in either underpayment or overpayment from the VA!

Louisiana HB 167 Exemption

Veterans living in Louisiana using Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) GI Bill® benefits with less than 100% GI Bill® coverage and a VA service-connected disability may qualify for additional coverage of tuition and fees under Louisiana’s HB167 (Bill Text: LA HB167 | 2023 | Regular Session | Chaptered | LegiScan).

If you think you may qualify, please contact for more information and instructions on how to apply. Please be sure to include your student ID in all correspondence.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

What Do I Need?

GI BILL® Required Items

  1. Copy of VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Statement of Benefits from emailed to
  2. Curriculum Sheet/Degree plan signed by your academic advisor emailed to
  3. Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits (Submit Each Semester!)

Applying for GI Bill® for the first time?

  1. Go to:
  2. Your Certificate of Eligibility should be mailed to you in around 30 days.

Are you a transfer student that used VA/GI Bill® benefits at a different school?

  1. If you’re a veteran or using transferred Post-9/11/Chapter 33 benefits, go to link
  2. If you’re a dependent using DEA/Chapter 35 benefits, go to link

Louisiana National Guard - State Tuition Exemption Program

To confirm you’re on the State Tuition Exemption Program, contact Mr. Leonard Acker at 504-278-8273 or

Chapter 33 / Post-9/11 GI Bill® Rate of Pursuit Guide

If using Chapter 33 / Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits, utilize this chart to see what your rate of pursuit and monthly housing allowance (MHA) should be for the semester. 

Remember that each semester you MUST have one physical/on-campus class to receive your full MHA. If you are taking all online classes for the semester, your MHA will be reduced to 50% of the national average (about $900 a month). 

Full-Time Status for Accelerated Online Sessions (AP1/AP2)

CHART -Full-Time Status for Accelerated Online Sessions (AP1AP2)

*Here is an example full-time schedule for the accelerated online graduate programs (MBA/MHA/MSNPA/MPH/MEDL/MEDCI). The VA’s full-time requirement for EACH AP session is 6 credit hours. This means that to be full-time for the AP1 session, you’ll need TWO AP1 classes. To be full-time for the AP2 session, you’ll need TWO AP2 classes.

*For the EdD accelerated online program, 3 hours per AP session is considered full-time.

Military Tuition Assistance

Email all approved TA vouchers to If you are registered for both AP1 and AP2 classes, request a deferment letter for your AP2 classes when you email your approved TA voucher. Simply say, “I need a deferment letter for my AP2 classes,” and we will send you the proper form to prevent your AP2 classes from being dropped.  

If you are using Top-Up in addition to Tuition Assistance, be sure to fill out a Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits each semester that you intend on using Top-Up.

To find the Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits:

  1. Log in to MyLSUS:
  2. Go to Records
  3. Go to Forms
  4. Go to Request for Certification of Veteran Education Benefits
Student Veterans Organization
The purpose of the Student Veterans Organization (SVO) of Louisiana State University Shreveport (LSUS) is to serve as a forum for, to promote the growth of, and to serve the needs of LSUS Veterans. Our Mission is to provide a community which supports Veteran Students in all matters unique to the Veteran lifestyle, mindset, and expectation.
Membership of the organization is open to any LSUS Student, Faculty or Staff who is an United States Military Veteran of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps.,and Navy or any other component, including but not limited to, State National Guard, Reserve, ROTC, and DoD regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, marital status or sexual preference.

The LaVetCorps Mission is to empower veterans, families and campus communities to help veterans returning from active military service to successfully transition home to college and their local community.

When student veterans on campus have questions or concerns, the LaVetCorps Navigator (located inside the Veterans Resource Center in the Technology Center), can assist veterans in identifying and accessing necessary services and support.