Manuscripts under review: 1. Cannon-Hoey, S., Gumus, O.D., Harrison, J.D., & Perry, R. (under review) Which of the three will it be? An investigation of servant, transformational, and instructional leadership style as predictors of school performance. Education Administration Quarterly. 2. Curucovica, A., Gumus, O.D., Harrison, J.D., & Kolodzey, J. (under review)Servant leadership in relation to employee job satisfaction within the nursing profession: The mediating roles of employee empowerment and trust in the leader” with. Leadership Quarterly. 3. Gumus, O.D., Erkenekli, K., Cihan, H., & Uygur, D. (under review). Attachment, anger, anxiety and self-esteem in high-risk pregnancy. Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Research. 4. Harris, C., Minor, C., Gumus, O.D., Harrison, J.D., Purvis, L. (under review) Does cultural orientation predict explicit biases towards women as leaders in the health services industry? Gender in Management: An International Journal. 5. Kayaalp, A., & Gumus, O.D. (under review) Visiting the Good Soldier Syndrome in Its Original Context: Antecedents of OCB Role Definitions of Military Personnel, Military Psychology. 6. Minor, C., Bell, J., Gumus, O.D., Harrison, J.D., & Clottey, E. (under review) Can principals' social justice intentions positively influence placement for students with disabilities? Journal of Special Education. 7. Minor, C., Harris, C., Harrison, J.D., Gumus, O.D., & Purvis, L. (under review). Does cultural orientation predict an implicit bias toward women as leaders in the health services industry? Gender, Work and Organization. 8. Rainey, M., Harrison, J.D., Gumus, O.G., & Perry, R. (under review) Which has more of an effect: Transformational or instructional leadership? Does principal leadership style predict elementary school performance scores in the Southern United States? School Leadership and Management. Publications: 1. Kayaalp, A., Page, K.J. & Gumus, O.D. (2021). Job satisfaction and transformational leadership as the antecedents of OCB role definitions: The moderating role of justice perceptions. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 16(2), 89-101. 2. Ford, L., Gumus, O., Harrison, J., & Coehoorn, C. (2020). Effects of principal’s gender, leadership, and teacher’s certification type on teacher self-efficacy. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 4, 1. 3. Dirilen-Gumus, O., Yalcinkaya, T., & Kayaalp, A. (2019). The psychology of Turkish university students as electorate: The mediating role of political trust. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(1), 45-62. 4. Cihan, H., Gumus, O.D., Erkenekli, K. (2017). Comparison of Women with Risk-free and High-Risk Pregnancy and Family Resilience. Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 5, 2017, 25-30. 5. Shalom, S.H., Torres, T., Cieciuch, J., Vecchione, M., Gumus, O.D., Butenko, T. (2017). Value tradeoffs propel and inhibit behavior: Validating the 19 refined values in four countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(3), 241-258. 6. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2017). Cross-cultural comparison of political leaders' operational codes. International Journal of Psychology, 52(S1), 35-44. 7. Dirilen-Gumus, O., & Sumer, N. (2013). Comparison of human values among students from Post-Communist Turkic Republics and Turkey. Journal of Cross-Cultural Research, 47(4), 372-387. 8. Erkenekli, M., Uzun, Z. & Gümüş, Ö. D. (2012). Sosyoekonomik statu ve sosyal degerler iliskisine yonelik bir inceleme. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 125-147. 9. Dirilen-Gümüş, Ö., & Büyükşahin-Sunal, A. (2012). Gender-based differences in Turkish undergraduates’ values. Sex Roles, 67(9), 559-570. 10. Schwartz, S. H., Cieciuch, J., Vecchione, M., Davidov, E., Fischer, R., Beierlein, C., Ramos, A., Verkasalo, M., Lönnqvist, J.-E., Demirutku, K., Dirilen-Gumus, O., Konty, M. (2012). Refining the theory of basic individual values. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(4), 663-688. 11. Dirilen-Gumus, O., Cross, S.E., & Donmez, A. (2012). Who voted for whom? Comparing supporters of Obama and McCain on value types and personality traits. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(12), 2879-2900. 12. Dirilen-Gümüş, Ö. (2011). Differences in system justification with respect to gender, political conservatism, socio-economic status and religious fundamentalism. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 2607– 2611. 13. Aydin F., & Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2011). Development of criminal profiling instrument. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,30(4), 2612-2616. 14. Dirilen-Gümüş, Ö. (2010). The effect of religiosity on political ideology via value types and personality traits: A comparison between Turkey and USA. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 12-17. 15. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2009). International relations from social psychological perspective: Security and human rights. Democratic Platform, 16(4), 25-36. 16. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2006). What is Political Psychology? Turkish Psychological Bulletin, 37(11), 24-30. 17. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (1999). The rules for editorial teams to follow. Psychological Essays, 1, 64. 18. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (1999). Political Leadership. Psychological Essays, 2, 22-23. Books 1. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (Ed.) (2016). Political Psychology (Volume 2). Ankara: Nobel Publishing. (Contributing authors: Robert W. Booth, Mujde Peker, Gulseli Baysu, Yasemin Gulsum Acar, Banu Cingoz Ulu, Vanessa Tinker) 2. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (Ed.) (2015). Political Psychology (Volume 1). Ankara: Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi-Nobel Publishing. (Contributing authors: Vamik Volkan, Nebi Sumer, Elif Erisen, Cengiz Erisen, Binnur Ozkececi-Taner, Adil Saribay, Ozden Melis Ulug, Resit Kislioglu, Ahmet Coymak) Book Chapters 1. Kokpinar-Kaya, E., & Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2016). Peace education as a post-conflict peace building tool, (translated chapter by Dr. Vanessa Tinker), in O. Dirilen-Gumus (Ed.), Political Psychology, Vol. 2, pp. 373-398. Ankara: Nobel Publishing. 2. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2016). The Psychology of Terrorists: Nazi Perpetrators, the Baader-Meinhof Gang, War Crimes in Bosnia, Suicide Bombers, the Taliban, and the Al Qaeda. (translated chapter by Eric A. Zillmer), in O. Dirilen-Gumus (Ed.), Political Psychology, Vol. 2, pp.239-268. Ankara: Nobel Publications. 3. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2015). Political Leadership, in O. Dirilen-Gumus (Ed.), Political Psychology, Vol. 1, pp.173-200. Ankara: Yıldırım Beyazıt University- Nobel Publishing. 4. Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2012). Conflict and conflict management strategies based on social psychological principles, in N. Akyeşilmen (Ed.), Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, pp. 61-86. Ankara: METU Publications, 2012, 61-86. Conference Papers and Panels 1. Gumus, O.D., Hildenbrand, G.M., Harrison, J,D, & Baxter, K.G. (July 14-17, 2022). Predictors of Governors’ responses to COVID-19 and death rates. ISPP Annual Meeting, Greece, Athens, 14-17 July 2022 (submitted for oral presentation) 2. Gumus, O.D., Hildenbrand, G.M., Harrison, J,D, & Baxter, K.G. (July 14-17, 2022). Examining the potential connection between U.S. Governors’ nonverbal immediacy, message clarity, and COVID-19 outcomes. ISPP Annual Meeting, Greece, Athens. (submitted for oral presentation) 3. Gumus, O.D., Tunc, M.N., Bozkurt, D. (July 14-17, 2022). Can perceived democratic legitimacy of the home-country be affected by immigration experiences? ISPP Annual Meeting, Greece, Athens. (submitted for oral presentation) 4. Gumus, O.D. (July 14-17, 2022). Once upon a time, a scholar-at-risk… ISPP Annual Meeting, Greece, Athens. (submitted for panel discussion) 5. Gumus, O.D., & Vigil, J. (February 26-29, 2020). New approach to mapping cultural dimensions of Inglehart, Hofstede, and Schwartz. Society for Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Seattle, Washington. (Oral Presentation). 6. McGrail, M., Gumus, O.D., Harrison, J.D., & Albers, N. (February 26-29, 2020). Comparison of multicultural personality and transformational leadership based on gender and culture. Society for Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Seattle, Washington. (Oral Presentation). 7. Baxter, K., Grover, R., Pitney, J., Gumus, O.D., & Harrison, J.D. (January 20-21, 2020). Leadership education for law enforcement mid-level managers: The mediating role of effectiveness of training on transformational and authentic leadership traits. ICCSICJ 2020: International Conference on Crime Scene Investigation and Criminal Justice, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Oral Presentation) (Winner of the Best Paper of the Conference Award) 8. Oldenburg, C., Gumus, O.D., & Harrison, J.D. (February 27-29, 2020). Changing emotional component of attitude toward gun control: Credibility of the source, the direction of the initial attitude and the content of the message. Attitudes and Social Influence pre-conference at SPSP, New Orleans, Louisiana. (Poster Presentation). 9. Gumus, O.D., & Vigil, J. (July 12-15, 2019). Gender versus culture comparison of political leaders' operational codes. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Lisbon, Portugal. (Oral Presentation). 10. Gumus, O.D., Tuna, A., Hurriyetoglu, H., & Mammadzade, N. (May 18-21, 2017). Representation of Political Leaders in the Cyberspace. 1st Istanbul Bosphorus International conference on Cyber politics and Cybersecurity, Altunizade, Istanbul. (Oral Presentation). 11. Cihan, H., Gumus, O.D., & Erkenekli, K. (March, 2015). Family Resilience in normal and high-risk pregnant women. IFTA Congress Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Oral Presentation). 12. Gumus, O.G., & Sambur, B. (March, 2014). Cross-national Comparison of Political Leaders’ Operational Codes. ISA Convention, Toronto, Canada. (Oral Presentation). 13. Gumus, O.G. (March, 2014). Erdogan’s operational codes across two regions: Central Asia and Name Region. ISA Convention, Toronto, Canada. (Oral Presentation). 14. Gumus, O.G., & Buyuktuncay, A. (February, 2014). Sex role orientation and hostile-benevolent sexism. First Ever International Women’s Issues Conference, Orlando, Florida. (Oral Presentation). 15. Gumus, O.G., & Buyuktuncay, A. (February, 2014). Gender differences in criminal profiling performance. First Ever International Women’s Issues Conference, Orlando, FL, USA. (Oral Presentation). 16. Gumus, O.D., Sumer, N., Kokdemir, D., Hasta, D., & Solak, N. (2014). Political Psychology: Status in Turkey and Main Topics Studied. 18. National Psychology Conference, Bursa, Turkey. (Panel discussion) 17. Gumus, O.G., Sadri, H., & Jahani, S. (April, 2013). Learning Political Science Online or Face-to-face: Do values make a difference. ISA Convention, San Fransisco, CA, USA. (Oral Presentation). 18. Gumus, O.D. (May, 2011). Differences in System Justification with respect to Gender, Political Conservatism, Socio-Economic Status, and Religious Fundamentalism. 2. World Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 19. Gumus, O.D., & Aydin, F. (May, 2011). Development of Criminal Profiling Instrument. 2. World Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 20. Gumus, O.D. (May, 2010). The Effect of Religiosity on Political Ideology via Value Types and Personality Traits: A Comparison between Turkey and USA”. 1. World Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 21. Gumus, O.D., & Cete, E. (June, 2010). Comparison between German and Turkish Education System. World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 22. Gumus, O.G. (May 16-17, 2008). Giftedness and acquisition of expertise in Turkey: An application to political leadership. UZYECDE Congress, Ankara. (Oral Presentation). 23. Gumus, O.G. (May 16-17, 2008). A model explaining the development of giftedness and acquisition of expertise: Point Model. UZYECDE Congress, Ankara. (Oral Presentation). 24. Gumus, O.D., & Sumer, N. (March, 2007). Relationship between values and culture: A comparison of Central Asian and Turkish University Students. 3rd European Spring Conference on Social Psychology, St. Moritz, Switzerland. (Oral Presentation). 25. Gumus, O.G., Sumer, N., & Donmez, A. (February, 2007). Relationships between values, culture, and political ideology: Comparison of Central Asian and Turkish students. 1. Congress of Graduate Psychology Students, Izmir, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 26. Gumus, O.G. (June, 2005). Youth politics in Central Asian Countries and Turkey: A cross-cultural comparison. X. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Mersin, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 27. Gumus, O.G. (June, 2005). Reliability and Validity Studies of Eysenck’s Public Opinion Inventory. X. National Psychology Students' Congress, Mersin, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 28. Ozdemir, M., Demir, M., & Gumus, O.G., (June, 2000). The way suicide news is represented in media: A Descriptive study. VI. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). 29. Gumus, O.G., Demir, M., & Gunduzalp, S. (June, 2000). Self-Development during ages of 8-10 and 12. VI. National Psychology Students’ Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation). Theses Supervised 1. Mammadzade, N. (2017). Relationship between values, culture, and personality: A comparison of central Asian and Turkish university students. Hacettepe University, Social Psychology Master’s Thesis. 2. Yalcinkaya, T. (2017). The mediating role of values on the relationship between personality and leadership styles. Hacettepe University, Social Psychology Master’s Thesis. 3. Altinisik, P. (2016). Ostracism and counterproductive behaviors. Hacettepe University, Social Science Institute, Social Psychology Master’s Thesis. 4. Ceylan, O. (2015). Problems of health policy in Turkey. Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social Science Institute, Social Policy Master's Thesis. 5. Gundogru, S. (2014). Self-regulation and its correlates. Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social Science Institute, Psychology Master's Thesis. 6. Buyuktuncay, A. (2014). The effect of gender, gender role orientation and sexism on the effectiveness of criminal profiling. Turkish Military Academy, Defense Sciences Institute, Crime Investigation Master’s Thesis. 7. Aydin, F. (2010). The effect of criminal profiling education and expertise on the profiling performance: The application to a murder case. Turkish Military Academy, Defense Sciences Institute, Crime Investigation Master’s Thesis. Dissertations Supervised Chairmanship 1. Devonye Brown (2021). Exploring ethical decision-making through the lived experiences of Title IX coordinators in higher education. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 2. Jianan Yang (2020). Predictors of higher education academic administrators' transformational leadership: Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 3. Jennifer Vigil (2020). A comparison of political leaders' operational codes based on gender and culture. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation, 2020. Methodologist 1. LaTienda Pierrel Davis (2021). A study on the influences of training on perceptions, progression, and leadership practices among Sheriffs in the state on Louisiana. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 2. Angelique Feaster Evans (2021). A qualitative study on the leadership experiences of African American women founders of nonprofit theatres with an eye towards future leadership development. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 3. Sheila Holden Lester (2021). The moderation effect of SES of the school on the relationship between principal leadership styles and school climate in elementary schools in Northwest Louisiana. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 4. Phong Tran (2021). The truth behind perceived organizational support. How does perceived organizational support change followers with anti-prototypical attributes? Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Group-Project. 5. Mary Catherine Harvison (2021). The positive influence of perceived organizational support between follower’s behaviors and the quality of leader-follower relationships. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Group-Project. 6. Grace Nickels (2021). The impact of ethical leadership and perceived organizational support on title ix coordinators’ job satisfaction. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 7. Trey Gibson (2021). Leadership behaviors in collegiate academic debate: The moderating role of competitor motivational needs on the relationship between coach behavior and competitor satisfaction. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 8. Stephanie Blackburn (2020). The moderating role of faculty motivation on the relationship between faculty job satisfaction and faculty’s perception of program directors’ leadership style in medical laboratory science programs. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 9. Paige Smith (2020). The relationship of after-school professionals’ organizational commitment: Transformational leadership and leader-member exchange. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 10. Joan Turek (2020). Leadership and creativity: A quantitative quasi-qxperimental vignette study on follower perceptions of the effects of empowering leadership and gender on teacher creativity. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 11. Felecia Gipson (2020). The moderating effect of school climate on principal servant leadership and teacher job satisfaction. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 12. Shelita Cannon-Hoey (2020). Predictors of school performance in Northeast Louisiana: Servant, transformational and instructional leadership characteristics of school principals. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 13. Kevin Baxter, Ron Grover, & James Pitney (2020). Leadership Education for Mid-level law enforcement managers: The role of effective training on transformational and authentic leadership traits. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Group-Project. 14. Camille Minor & Cynthia Harris (2020). Does cultural orientation predict implicit and explicit biases towards women as leaders in the health services industry? Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Group Project. 15. Jeremy Bell & Carmen Minor (2020). Ethical leadership as a predictor of principals' inclusion and social justice attitudes: A test of planned behavior theory. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Group Project. 16. Adna Curukovic (2019). Servant leadership and employee job satisfaction in nursing profession: The mediating roles of employee empowerment and trust in leader. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 17. LaShonda Ford (2019). Comparison of classroom management self-efficacy of teachers based upon their certification type, principal’s gender and leadership style: A quasi-experimental study. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 18. Katherine Michiels (2019). The impact of authentic leadership on job demands and job burnout among K-8 public education teachers. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 19. Marvin Rainey (2019). A comparison of effects of transformational leadership and instructional Leadership on elementary School Performance Scores in Southern United States. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 20. David Williams (2019). The moderating effect of perceived organizational support on the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment to organizational change in U.S. Healthcare organizations. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 21. Lindsay Ferrington (2019). Servant leadership education and the bias of physician assistant students toward low socioeconomic individuals. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. 22. Gülbin Ayşı Ateş (2017). Masculinity and authoritarianism in Turkish Politics between 1950 and 1980. Ankara University, Political Science Master’s Program. Chair: Assoc. Prof. Nazan Çiçek. Content Member 1. Stephanie McConnell (2021). The effect of work setting on ethical leadership and organizational commitment. Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Leadership Studies Doctoral Dissertation. Chair: Prof. John D. Harrison. 2. Ali Abdulfettah (2017). The association between leadership traits of political party leaders and party issue positions. Hacettepe University, Political Science Master’s Program. Chair: Assoc. Prof. Elif Erişen. 3. Mustafa Kemal Topcu (January, 2015). Calisanlarin kisilik ozelliklerinin orgutsel ozdeslesme ve isten ayrilma niyeti uzerine etkisinde psikolojik sozlesme algisinin rolu. Kara Harp Okulu, Defense Sciences Doctoral Dissertation. Chair: Prof. Nejat Basım. 4. Tugba Kocak (December, 2014). Michelangelo etkisi ve sosyal degerler iliskisi. Ankara University, Social Psychology Doctoral Dissertation. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ayda Buyuksahin-Sunal. 5. Burçak Sönmez (August, 2014). Political trust: An investigation from the perspectives of religiosity, authoritarianism, system justification and human values. Ankara University, Social Psychology Master’s Thesis. Chair: Assoc. Prof. Derya Hasta. 6. Nazan Avcı (August, 2014). The Investigation of Attitudes toward the Solution of Kurdish Question in terms of Basic Human Values. Middle East Technical University, Social Psychology Master’s Thesis. Chair: Assist. Prof. Banu Cingoz.