Education and Human Development
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Business Education, Room 355
Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Seth Whiting, BCBA-D, received his MS and Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and completed a post-doctoral fellowship with the Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University.  He has conducted and presented research on a variety of topics in the field of behavior analysis including choice, gambling, delay discounting, self-control training, verbal behavior, addiction, organizational behavior management, and technology development.  Dr. Whiting has served on the editorial board for Behavior Analysis in Practice and The Analysis of Verbal Behavior.  Centered on complex behavior, his current research interests include the analysis of contingencies of reinforcement, verbal behavior, and motivating operations in the context of behavioral addictions, evaluation and implementation of the PEAK Relational Training System, and applications of choice architecture in education, autism services, and gambling settings to facilitate optimal choice.


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