Leadership Studies
College of Education and Human Development
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BE 346-A
Curriculum Vitae


Shaoping Qiu is an Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies at Louisiana State University Shreveport. He received a Ph.D. in Human Resource Development (Leadership) from Texas A&M University, his M.A. in Educational Leadership from South China Normal University, and a B.A. in Education with a minor in School Psychology from Human Normal University.Before pursuing his Ph.D., he worked at hotels for six years and taught at a college for 9 years.  


Research Interests

Dr. Qiu's research interests include organizational leadership, organizational change, human resource, stress and well-being, STEM education, service-learning, and quantitative methods such as multiple regression, structural equation modelling (SEM), hierarchical linear model (HLM), and item response theory (IRT).

Selected Publications

1. Qiu, S., Sankar, S., Dooley, L. M., Huang, N., & Tang, W. (2023). How materialism relates to attitude toward corporate social responsibility among Chinese college students? Mediation role of environmental concern. Environment and Social Psychology, 8(2).doi: 10.54517/esp.v8i2.15912. Qiu, S., & Natarajarathinam, M (2023). Fifty‐three years of the Journal of Engineering Education: A bibliometric overview. Journal of Engineering Education. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 3.4, Q2. 2022 CiteScore: 9.9DOI: 10.1002/jee.205473. Qiu, S., Fan. J., & Huang, N. (2022). Incivility experiences and mental health among college nursing students: The moderating role of rumination. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 32(4). (SSCI). 2022 IF: 1.2, Q4. 2022 CiteScore: 1.6DOI: 10.1080/14330237.2022.20663394. Qiu, S. & Dooley, L. (2022). How servant leadership affects organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating roles of organizational justice and trust. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43(3), 350-369. doi: 10.1108/LODJ-04-2021-0146. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 4.9, Q2. 2022 CiteScore: 5.75. Qiu, S. Zhang, R*. Jabarkhail, S., & Dooley, L. M. (2022). Linking servant leadership to customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: The moderating role of perceived interactional justice. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 32(3), 209-215. doi:10.1080/14330237.2021.2017605. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 1.2, Q4. 2022 CiteScore: 1.66. Qiu, S.& Zhang, R.* (2022). The relationship between workplace incivility and psychological distress: The moderating role of servant leadership. Workplace Health & Safety. (SSCI). Q1 2022 IF: 2.6. 2022 CiteScore: 3.27. Xie, L., Natarajarathinam, M., Johnson, M.D., Qiu, S.* (2022). Current trends in supply chain training programs in the context of Industry 4.0 technologies. International Journal of Engineering Education, 38(2), 466-481. (SCI). 2022 IF: 1.0, Q4. 2022 CiteScore: 2.9* Corresponding author8. Natarajarathinam, M., Qiu, S.*, & Lu, W. (2022). Designing and assessing a multidisciplinary service-learning course of supply chain management course for the Industrial Distribution Program.  INFORMS Transactions on Education. 2022 CiteScore: 1.2 *Corresponding author Okundaye, O., Natarajarathinam, M., Qiu, S.*, Mathew, M., Kuttolamadom, A.,   Chu, S., & Quek, F. (2022). Making STEM Real: The Design of a Making-Production Model for Hands-On STEM Learning. European Journal of Engineering Education. CiteScore: 5.8* Corresponding author10. Natarajarathinam, M., Qiu, S*., & Lu, W. (2021). Community engagement in engineering education: A systematic literature review. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(4), 1049-1077. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 3.4, Q1. 2022 Sitecore: 9.9.* Corresponding author.11. Huang, N†. Qiu, S†*., Yang, S*. & Deng, R. (2021). Ethical Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediation of Trust and Psychological Well-Being. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 655-664. (SSCI).2021 IF:4.3, Q1; CiteScore 2022: 4.7   † Co-first author, * Corresponding author                                                                           12. Zeng, Y.†, Qiu, S.†*, Alizadeh, A., & Liu, T. (2021). How challenge stress affects mental health among college students: The moderating role of self-efficacy. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 23(2), 167-175. doi: 10.32604/IJMHP.2021.015937. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 1.3, Q4.  2022 Sitecore: 1.3† Co-first author, * Corresponding author13. Qiu, S., Dooley, L. M., & Xie, L. (2020). How servant leadership and self-efficacy interact to affect service quality in the hospitality industry: A polynomial regression with response surface analysis. Tourism Management, 78, 1-12. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 12.7, Q1, 2022 CiteScore: 22.914. Qiu, S., Dooley, L. M, Deng, R., & Li, L. (2020). Does Ethical Leadership Boost Nurses’ Patient-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, DOI:10.1111/jan.14366 (SCI, SSCI). 2022 IF: 3.8, Q1. CiteScore: 5.315. Zhang, R. J., Qiu, S.*, Dooley, L.M. & Choudhury, T. (2020). Managerialaspiration: Does gender and gender role identity make a difference in the     Chinese context? Gender in Management: An International Journal. (SSCI). 2021 IF: 3.7, Q1; 2022 CiteScore: 4.8* Corresponding author16. Qiu, S. & Dooley, L. (2019). Servant leadership: Development and validation of a multidimensional measure in the Chinese hospitality industry. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(2), 193-212. doi:10.1108/LODJ-04-2018-0148 (SSCI). 2022 IF: 4.9, Q2. 2022 CiteScore: 5.717. Qiu, S., Alizadeh, A., Dooley, L. M., &. Zhang, R. (2019). The effects of authentic leadership on trust in leaders, organizational citizenship behavior and service quality in the Chinese hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 40, 77-87. (SSCI). 2022 IF: 8.3, Q1; CiteScore 2022: 10.1 Most cited article.GoogleScholar:

Teaching Assignments

Introduction to Leadership DevelopmentCommunication for LeadersStatisticsEthics, Values, and Principled LeadershipLeadership in Complex Organizations

Office Hours

Tuesday: 1:00pm-4:30pm (CST)Wednesday: 1:00pm-4:30pm (CST)Thursday: 1:00pm-4:30pm (CST)